Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thing 15: Creative Commons

I found a listing of OpenCourseWare available online through Creative Commons.

Welcome to Notre Dame OpenCourseWare

Thing 23: The End?

This was a valuable experience that introduced me to things I had not done. However, it should be limited to the summer academic year where we have more time to truly learn the concepts that you are trying to introduce. Once the academic year began, I did not have the time to spend on these assignments.

Thing 22: Podcasts

This podcast was produced by a former member of the JT community whom I interacted with on a regular basis. He is now a librarian with excellent library instruction skills.

Freshman Year Experience Story

Thing 21: Mashups

I was unsuccessful with Trading Card Maker due to "Access Denied" by my college IT department. I found Librarian Chick, a free and open educational one stop source, through programmableWeb mashups.

Thing 20: Tagging and Social Bookmarking

I like the idea of having my favorite bookmarks travel with me 24/7. I was not aware of "Delicious" website bookmarking until now.

Thing 19: Multimedia

I love watching clips on Youtube from music videos to old TV series. I uploaded this video, which is a great representation of our library.

Thing 18: Audiobooks

I have not used audiobooks but have recommended titles to our patrons. Audiobooks will always be popular for those who travel. It is a convenient way to stay current with your favorite authors.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thing 17: Social Cataloging

Social cataloging may be the rage but socializing with good friends and enjoying a cup of tea makes for an interesting conversation about books and life around us. Meet your friends at Barnes & Noble or Cafe Caturra. Enjoy.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thing 16: E-books

I think e-books will replace print sources in decades to come. Think of the students carrying large book bags and having to wait in long lines at the campus bookstores. Students would much rather download an e-book for convenience. I do not own a kindle but the feature that appeals to me most is being able to adjust the font to a larger print.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thing 14: Online Surveys

Surveys are a valuable tool which can be used to poll your customers as to what your overall satisfaction and performance levels are. It can also give insight into your failures and shortcomings and how to improve your overall performance.

Google docs forms is an easy way to create a survey.

Thing 8: Screencasting

Occasionally we instruct English classes on how to format research papers using MLA format in Microsoft Word. I found a helpful screencast explaining the basic functions.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thing 13: Document Sharing

On rare occasions our library instruction lab is double booked and we go to the instructor's classroom to teach bibliographic instruction. Google Docs makes it easy to access our materials and is always available.

Library Instruction - English 112

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thing 11: Shortening a URL

Transforming a URL for a full-text article from Academic Search Complete using might be helpful during an LRC Live chat session. Our current version of Java does not support cobrowse.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thing 10: Searching Twitter

I will be perfectly honest. I do not have the time to follow tweeters. I searched the VCCS Online Library and tried to post a tweet but was unsuccessful.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thing 9.5: Image Generators

I added this message to a license plate using ImageChef. Great advertising for LRC Live.

Thing 9: Photos & Images/Flickr

This is an interesting picture taken of the Golden Dome and the Hesburgh Library stacks at the University of Notre Dame campus in South Bend, Indiana.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Thing 7: Sharing Slide Presentations

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Library Pay for Print Instructions

As we implement new processes and procedures, we could use slide sharing as an instructional tool for students on our library website. It would allow the students to have reinforcement about the procedures in our library.

Thing 6: Chat

I have been chatting on LRC Live from the very beginning of this concept. It seems to be a useful tool used by students in NVCC more than anywhere else in the system (at least during my hour of staffing). The interaction has been positive and concise for both parties.

Thing 5: Wikis

I liked your posted wiki examples. I worked at the St. Joseph County Public Library many, many, years ago. We use wikis but for internal library staff only. Our Library Procedures Manual is a very useful tool that enhances our ability to train staff.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thing 4: Social Networking

I am not interested in posting a personal profile on Facebook because it becomes public information available to all. In the current trends, it has become commonplace or more acceptable for business and professionals as well as libraries or governmental bodies to use it as a means to connect with their customers or constituents. As a college library, it has potential to deliver our message to more students than any other media.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thing 3: Setting up an RSS

I managed to set up the RSS links but they are not appearing on the left hand side of the page. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thing 2: Getting Started/Web 2.0 Concepts

What are we doing as a community to stay both mentally fit and physically fit at the library? Stress at work is an all too common problem. I find walking during my lunch break is a great stress relief. We have a wonderful campus environment that allows me to commune with nature. Check out our "trails" aka parking lot.